Friday, February 15, 2008

Car Insurance For College Students

As your kid go forths for college, many ideas may run through your head. One of the last ideas is probably about your auto insurance, but it is a necessary thought. Many colleges make not allow freshmen to have got got cars on campus, yet over two one-thirds of the remainder of the students have cars. So what are some of your options regarding your auto insurance coverage on your child’s car?

The first option, which may do you a small less popular with your child, is to go forth the car at home. Discourse this option with your broker or agent, as you could be eligible for a discounted rate if the statute title of the car is in your child’s name, no 1 will be drive it, and your kid will be more than than 100 miles away from home.

Now, there are some grounds to allow your kid to convey the car to school, including a job, living off campus, and even just the pouting human face of your college student. If you should allow your kid to take his or her car to college, then you should first advise your auto insurance company that the car will be housed in another location. Be prepared, though, for a change in your premium, as it can increase or lessening depending on your auto insurance company.


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